Assisted Job Search

Our experts will assist you in finding the right jobs for your skill set by conducting online research and providing you with expert advice on how to look for employment

From $199

Or $100/hr add-on with other services

An Employment Consultant Will:

  • Walk you through online job portals e.g. Seek and LinkedIn

  • Help you create online candidate profiles, e.g. Seek Profile

  • Teach you about the “hidden job market”

  • Walk through and complete the application process for your dream jobs*

  • Careeraide can not complete online interviews, aptitude or behavioural tests on your behalf

  • Careeraide does not guarantee any job interviews from reverse marketing

Benefits of the service

In the assisted job search, Careeraide will help you navigate the online job search and modern job market. We’ll give you the knowledge and confidence to find the best opportunities now and into the future.

  • Securing a job interview for your next opportunity is already hard enough. Let CareerAide take the stress out of your job search by sharing the workload of your next application.

  • Careeraide will give you an extra boost in your next job search

How It Works

  • Consultation to understand your background, skills, goals and future jobs that you are chasing

  • A consultant will walk you through the online job searching process and any application processes for your dream jobs

  • After any job applications, a consultant will reverse market you for your jobs of interest. In reverse marketing, the consultant will cold-call prospective employers of targeted jobs and market you as a candidate of choice

  • We will follow up on the outcomes of reverse marketing. Successful outcomes may include job interviews with the targeted employers, or other recommended employers. Unsuccessful outcomes may involve rejection at the resume stage

Looking For Other Services

Resume & CV Development

Our Employment Services team will create a brand new resume from scratch to help you find your new job!


Interview Preparation

A member of our Employment Consultant staff will work with you one-on-one to help you prepare, practice, and perform more effectively at job interviews, to stand out from other applicants

Assisted Job Search

Our Employment Services team will walk you through and complete the application process for your dream job!


Reverse Marketing

Our Employment Services team will cold call prospective employers on your behalf to secure you a job interview!

LinkedIn Services

Careeraide will create a brand new LinkedIn profile that will have all the potential employers excited to connect with you.


Supporting Organisations

With Careeraide, you can find talent and streamline the recruitment process before posting expensive job ads. We work with job seekers who are looking for their next opportunity.