Resume & Cover Letter Development

Our team develops high-quality and professional resumes and CVs for our clients. Get a head start on future employers by using this service.

From $199

Here's what to expect

  • Resume and open cover letter development

  • Consultation to explore your experiences, strengths, weaknesses and future goals

  • Education on writing your resume in the future

  • Recommendations on areas of improvement
    (e.g courses/tickets required for your dream job)

  • 30-day period to make any adjustments as required

  • Formats provided electronically emailed in PDF and Word

  • Documents stored in the cloud (if requested)

  • Documents printed (if requested)

Here are some benefits

  • Free of grammatical and spelling errors

  • Tailored to the industry that you are applying for

  • Communicates the best story of yourself

  • A professional resume writer will help you take the first step in your job search by exploring your strengths & weaknesses, past experiences and future goals.

  • We will save you time in producing those critical documents and give you the confidence that you are starting your job search on the right foot.

How It Works

  • Consultation to discuss your strengths & weaknesses, past experiences and future goals

  • Create Resume & Cover Letter

  • Resume delivery & immediate follow up to review content

  • 15-Day follow up period for any free adjustments

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Resume & CV Development

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Interview Preparation

A member of our Employment Consultant staff will work with you one-on-one to help you prepare, practice, and perform more effectively at job interviews, to stand out from other applicants

Assisted Job Search

Our Employment Services team will walk you through and complete the application process for your dream job!


Reverse Marketing

Our Employment Services team will cold call prospective employers on your behalf to secure you a job interview!

LinkedIn Services

Careeraide will create a brand new LinkedIn profile that will have all the potential employers excited to connect with you.


Supporting Organisations

With Careeraide, you can find talent and streamline the recruitment process before posting expensive job ads. We work with job seekers who are looking for their next opportunity.